
We've already answered

110,000+ questions

My issue was resolved quickly and easily.

Their experts truly know their stuff!

How it works

Explain your issue

Describe your issue in the chat and answer any clarifying questions. This will allow us to find the best-fitting expert for you.

Chat with an expert

Engage in a chat with an expert to get precise solutions for your problem. Our experts are available round the clock, 24/7.

Resolve your issue

Chat with an expert until your problem is solved. Then you can tackle an unlimited number of issues within one subscription.

  • avatar

    Diana K.

    4798 issues fixed

    IT Engineer

    Having extensive experience, she expertly handles diagnostics, repairs, and maintenance for both software and hardware systems.

  • avatar

    Andrew D.

    2837 issues fixed

    Electronics Expert

    Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering. Extensive expertise in repairing various electronic devices, including smart home and security technologies.

  • avatar

    Max P.

    3472 issues fixed

    Appliance Technician

    With a strong background and over 5 years of experience, he is adept at both repairing and maintaining a diverse array of home appliances.

  • avatar

    Alina B.

    1986 issues fixed

    HVAC Specialist

    With over 4 years of experience, she specializes in maintaining and repairing climate control systems, ensuring optimal performance and comfort.

Our experts respond in

44 seconds

We’ve already helped

110,000+ users

We assist users from

181 countries

Why people choose Expert Squad

Available round-the-clock

We're committed to providing solutions as soon as possible, which is why our service is available 24/7, ensuring no delays for you.

Focus on results

Our consultation doesn't just stop at initial advice. It continues until your issue is completely resolved, ensuring you achieve the desired outcome.

Leading experts

Every applicant undergoes rigorous testing to join our expert team. This way we ensure that you are always in the hands of the most skilled professionals in the field.

Every client matters

At Expert Squad, we treat each client as our most important and valued member. Your satisfaction is the cornerstone of our service.

Precise matching

Our matching system selects the expert who best aligns with your specific query, ensuring a precise fit. This approach guarantees that you always receive relevant advice.

Fair pricing

Experience the freedom of resolving unlimited number of issues with just one subscription. Our pricing model is designed to give you unrestricted access to expert solutions.

Top FAQs

What questions can I ask?

The key feature of our service is that we can solve a wide range of issues. From service troubles and software problems to glitches in climate control systems and smart home malfunctions — we've got you covered.

Do I pay for each question separately?

No, there is a single subscription fee that covers everything. Once you have subscribed, you can ask an unlimited amount of questions. There are no other hidden charges, which means you can focus on solving your issues without worrying about additional costs.

How do I pay for a subscription?

Expert Squad accepts credit and debit cards. You can also pay for our subscription via Google Pay, Apple Pay, or PayPal. We use an HTTPS protocol and secure 128-bit SSL encryption to protect your payments.

How quickly can I get an expert response to my question?

Usually, it takes 1-10 minutes for our experts to provide you with a detailed answer to your question. But if your case requires additional research, you may wait a little bit longer.

What if I have several issues to solve?

If you have multiple issues to solve, our service can handle them all within one single subscription. So when your problem is solved, just start a new chat, and let us match you with the best expert.

Fill out the form

For support via email, please fill in the form using your registered email address. Expect a response from us within 24 hours.

Contact Us

If you need help with our service or have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Billing support

For inquiries about payments, please reach out to us:

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Customer Support

For questions about our services, feel free to contact us:

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